Better sleep: Delayed start time could help teens sleep during . Pro: An extended school day provides more time for students to learn and the possibility of providing individualized attention for students in need. Well, at least initially. The school day was originally created to meet the needs of farmers. There are a variety of health issues that can be caused by a lack of sleep. This is one of the strongest arguments in favour of a longer school day. Colorado, juvenile crime increased by 73% whenever a school changed their Schools are able to switch to a four-day week by simply increasing the length of their school day. It is also possible for schools to extend the school day in more districts across the country. You still have to go to practice, and dont forget the piles of homework that need done. NOTE : The information on this website is for general information purposes only. It involves increasing communication and various forms of interaction between people of different nations, ethnicities and cultures. This provided the teacher with more freedom with curriculum and time management. Massachusetts, a pioneer in extended learning time (ELT), has made significant progress in this field. There is the possibility of making up for lost time, especially those who are at a disadvantage due to the digital divide. Spread the loveBeing a teacher is a tough job. Most parents work a 5-day schedule and struggle to adapt to a 4-day school schedule. It provides an extra day for actual rest to occur when it may be needed without compromising the remainder of the family schedule. Disadvantage: Less time for extracurricular activities. This may not seem like a lot, but when you factor in homework and after-school activities, it can be a lot for a student to handle. It might help school districts save money. Although families benefit from the 3-day weekend and those scheduling benefits, the non-traditional time off given to students can offset some of that savings. Arlene Ackerman says she and her students don't have the strength to teach or learn near the end of the school day. They balk at the idea of kids attending schools with no summer break. That also makes scheduling problematic for many families. We must ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn by improving the effectiveness of our schools and ensuring that all children have access to them. Four day school weeks are becoming a necessity for some rural school districts that lack funding. Changing the Moniteau County R-1 School districts schedule to a four-day week would be detrimental to students safety and involvement in activities. Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. School Evaluation For Special Education What Parents Need to Know, Effectively Educating Diverse Student Populations: Strategies That Work - Applead Hofu, The Importance Of Sight Words In Early Reading, Online Education in Chennai - Birla Brainiacs, Advancing Technology Education in Rural High Schools Across - The Tech Edvocate - VSAY .IN. Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. Rural families experience the greatest impacts from the 4-day school week. Public school everything for schoolchildren and students. Despite these difficulties, many disabled students go on to lead successful and fulfilling lives. This has been a hot topic especially the states that dont have as large of an economy. Pros and cons of shorter work weeks. 2. Advantages Of Five Day School Week Traditional Five Day Class Week Should be Resumed Samantha, a freshman college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Nursing, values her education so much. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. The school day is too long. By shifting to a 4-day schedule, it becomes easier to transport students to all after-school events and activities because there is an extra day available to plan activities without running into mandatory school times. Delaying school start times has been shown to have positive outcomes for students and families in overwhelming scientific research. Many say that the four day school week is good for students. (Solution). Spread the loveThis term describes a manner of classifying gifted students to place them in properly segmented classrooms. When students are too tired or mentally exhausted to concentrate at the end of the day, the last hour becomes meaningless. Shorter school weeks or longer school days are reasonable solutions when there is a shortage of funding, or possible budget cuts coming to the school district. Older students can spend time engaging in resum-building public service or paid work. Fuel, oil, salaries, and supervisory costs can be, A lot of parents are shaking their heads at the consideration of a four-day school week, and a longer school day. The 180-day calendar is shorter than that of other industrialized countries, and some schools even find ways to shave days even further. Do students learn better in shorter classes? ", 21 Payday Loan Industry Statistics, Trends & Analysis, 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. Black Boys in Crisis: Why Arent They Reading? Over the next three years, the school district was able to save 2% on their overall costs each year, for a total of $200,000. Increase Engagement and Productivity. Because school buses are only running 4 days per week instead of 5 days, there is the potential of reducing transportation costs by up to 20% by shifting the schedule. Most school districts are sticking to the 5-day schedule. Your email address will not be published. Teachers can use more time in the day to go on field trips or expand content areas. A story on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's website said: Over the course of a 2-year period on this alternative schedule, they reported up to a 20% increase in student attendance. Spread the loveTeachers need to realize that at home, in their neighborhoods, and in school, many students face difficulties that can interfere with learning. Anticipated savings are in transportation, food and food service workers, hourly workers and utilities. Here are a few: 1. Spread the loveThis term refers to the grouping of students by mental capability, aptitude, or hobbies. recess is not only ineffective but also harmful to students who may feel that the punishment is excessive. When Friday rolls around each week during the school year, many parents face the same situation. Suffolk Public Schools went with a 7:25 am start time for their district and are saving almost $700,000 per year. Even the cost savings of a total shift to a 4-day schedule may be minimal. So what are the pros and cons of 4-day school weeks? This is a big con for me, as sacrificing the futures of our most vulnerable students is not worth the trivial benefits of 4-day school weeks. Out of a budget of $5.5 million, they saved $206,000. This extra hour can make the day pretty long especially for younger students, which can often lead to a loss of focus later in the day. The Edvocate was created in 2014 to argue for shifts in education policy and organization in order to enhance the quality of education and the opportunities for learning afforded to P-20 students in America. Another is that shorter days could lead to shorter attention spans in classrooms. One is that it would likely mean that teachers would have to teach more classes, which could lead to burnout. 4. Another is that shorter days could lead to shorter attention spans in classrooms. Keeping schools open five days a week is not financially feasible. For school districts following the 4-day school week, the Thanksgiving holiday usually receives a full week off instead of the final two days of the week. Students can adjust to the new schedule. Lets take a look at some proof. The only question is does it hurt students education but the statistics are showing that is clearly not the case one bit. In return, the number of disciplinary measures can also be reduced. If she is not receptive to your suggestions, you may want to get a doctors note stating that recess is required. Then ask the superintendent of the school district to consider year round school with only four days per week.First, students would not forget what they learned over the long summer. The four-day school is a phenomenon that has been sweeping across the U.S. On top of that, you will likely only be taking 1-2 classes at a time instead of four or more. An eight-hour day is pretty undesirable for elementary-aged kids. What are the pros and cons for students, teachers and school boards? It is also good for teachers and the whole school. not just on the weekdays when students were out of school. There are positive outcomes that may occur, but there are negative outcomes that must also be managed. If the school days are shortened, then students will not be able to learn enough because of the short school day. A switch to a 4-day schedule gives teachers more time to use teaching styles that are more effective. 3. It creates a long school day for students. With short school days, students can devote a fair share of time to other meaningful areas in their life, such as socializing and simply being a kid. recess has numerous benefits, including assisting students in reducing aggression and improving learning. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that attendance improves; parents and teachers can schedule doctor's appointments and other weekday commitments for Fridays rather than during school days. Shortening the school day by even an hour or two can allow a district to save dramatically on its utility costs. Having well-rested and happy employees can increase their overall work engagement and productivity. Why shorter school days are better for teachers? Con: Not all students need one-on-one assistance, and some may even experience boredom or burnout from the extended school day. However, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with shortening the school day that should be considered before sweeping action is taken to alter the traditional school day. The school also doesn't have to pay anyone that is on an hourly schedule. The capital, insurance, maintenance, and administrative costs remain relatively constant. In Alabama, the school year lasts 180 days and the school day lasts 7.03 hours. Shifting to this schedule does have certain disadvantages, especially for working parents. When looking at the benefits of a longer school year, the opportunity for expanding subject matter and the individualized needs of students are factors. More teaching: Covid-19 has resulted in a lot of disruption in teaching. Cons of a Longer School Day Does Not Ensure Higher Achievement Some studies have been done that show that longer instruction time can improve achievement, but those results depend on things like classroom environment, quality of instruction, student prior knowledge and ability. A 4 day work week would promote an equal workplace as employees would be able to spend more time with their families and better juggle care and work commitments. Theyre from moments we remember having fun, whether that was in the classroom, the playground, or the athletics field. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. In 2022, companies in the U.K., the U.S., and Canada instituted a four-day workweek pilot program to test the concept. Some students and parents have been advocating for shorter school days, and there is some evidence to suggest that shorter days could be beneficial. The school day had to accommodate available daylight and the requirements of helping with the family farm. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. Here are some additional key points to think about when looking at the pros and cons of a 4-day school week. It is a program for mostly rural and small school districts. (5) Most costs that were reduced were Operations and maintenance, heating and cooling, janitor supplies. Data from the National Association of Year-Round Education . The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. school schedules from 5 to 4 days. Getting to school on-time or making it out for the bus is a constant battle. Teachers are frequently overworked and required to perform tasks that are outside their job description. It changes the holiday schedules for the school district. The Chattooga County School District in Georgia shifted to a 4-day school week. The Massachusetts Expanded Learning Time Initiative has already benefited 19 schools and over 10,000 students. 4 Day School Week Pros and Cons. That means one of the biggest expenses for the district is immediately cut by 20%. Should schools go to a 4 day school week instead of 5 days? For others, perhaps not. One way to address these issues is to shift the traditional school schedule into a 4-day week. The 4-day schedule eliminates one full driving day for the transportation department. Because of this, school districts dont have a hard It would also be beneficial to reduce the week in order to promote activity participation. The decision to implement such a schedule must therefore be handled at the local level. This can be due to a lack of accessible facilities and resources, or negative attitudes and misconceptions from teachers and classmates. Students follow the same type of pattern. So it is illogical to think that a four day week will help other grade levels. It provides a realistic way for schools to remain open and also has added benefits beyond saving money. Longer school days may have some positive impact on student achievement, but research on their effects is lacking. Other concerns with early school start times and the resulting insufficient sleep include: Increased likelihood for participating in risk-taking behaviors, such as bullying and fighting. Savings on school buses and long-term building wear and tear have also been reported. New Haven teachers in an unprecedented move allowed their teacher unions to take over the rewriting of their contracts. Year-Round Schedules Many people think of the school year as starting in August or at the beginning of September and continuing for 10 months. Read the Full Transcript Judy Woodruff: For many American students and. There are several major pros and cons of a 4-day school week which must be considered by school districts looking to make this kind of change. 1. The shorter the school day, the better? But the extra money hasn't gone into teachers' salaries, which have dropped on average from . In this article, we will examine this question in depth. 2. Many of these schools are already operating on an alternative schedule because that is what works best for their community. Defining Moments Are What Make Good School Leaders Great, Year-Round Schooling: How it Affects Students, Why you need a multi-tiered behavioral support approach, Understanding Strategy and Strategic Leadership, Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters DIA-DIG, First-Year Teachers: 4 Reasons You Need a Mentor Right Now, 18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing, The Top 5 Unexpected Benefits of Early Childhood Education. With the 4-day schedule, another 1.5 hours is added to their school day, every day. For the parents of younger students, an additional full day of daycare may need to be scheduled every week instead of a partial day. Pros of Year-Round School. If so, keep reading. Also, there have been studies that found that special populations do not thrive under this configuration. The University of New Mexico Newsroom: Research Study Yields Unexpected Conclusion About Longer School Years. In the United States, only five states require recess in elementary schools, with Texas not one of them. It can help teachers and students better manage the process of learning. Spread the loveThe International Baccalaureate Program is a very intensive pre-college program in which when students get involved, they get college credit. The longer school days of a 4-day week make it almost impossible for teens to find a job after school. Some districts take just one week off at Christmas instead of two weeks because of these conflicts. In the United States, $17.5 billion each year is spent on school bus transportation. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. There can be no one answer to this question because it is a matter of case by case. Having students to fit 5 days' worth of classroom time into 4 days would make for a tiring schedule, where many of the younger school children would find it very difficult to focus on their study for such long periods. Pros of the 4-day School Week. The ability to express oneself via electives can make children happier and more cooperative in the classroom. If no other elements are in place, it is highly unlikely that extending the school day would result in increased student learning. Find out about families that swap a shorter summer break for learning time that's more continuous. If you ask the average kid what they think about school, youll get a very honest answer: Its boring. From K-12, it can be difficult for students to stay engaged in the classroom during a 5-day school week. The kids groan, complain about getting out of bed, and struggle to get through the morning routine. This schedule works much better for parents, who often have that working schedule themselves. They can supervise their children at the bus stop in rural districts as well. Easier to recruit employees. The But others are worried about when kids should be in school. Our individualized learning setup at the Tenney School allows us to offer more instruction in a shorter amount of time. Year-round schooling has been proposed as a better option for students than a traditional 9-month schedule. The length of the school day in China varies from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With a shortened school day, the amount of instructional time would be reduced. It also means that certain holiday vacations, such as Thanksgiving, are extended to a full week, and that can be a scheduling concern for many families. In general, ELT has received positive feedback; however, some schools have had more difficult transitions than others. Such as emotional and behavioral problems, violence, depression, alcohol use, impaired cognitive function, etc. Working a couple of hours after school gains experience and disposable income. There should be year round schooling because it can help students learn more and forget less, other classes are included and childcare is provided, teachers get more time to plan and teach lessons. Some families find that aligning the school day with typical parent work schedules is a family-friendly approach. Shorter school days that start later in the day could alleviate this problem, promoting healthy habits and the many benefits that go with a solid sleep routine. Students are engaged more fully when their school schedule is expanded, and they learn more efficiently when they are exposed to a more stimulating environment. Some are even cutting arts programs or shortening the school week to balance the budget. That means the students in those districts have better opportunities to learn. Other popular year-round schedules are the 60-20 and 90-30 calendars, where students are in class for 60 or 90 days with vacations of 20 or 30 days respectively. This solution has many mixed opinions from parents, teachers and. When larger school districts attempt this kind of schedule, they find few, if any, benefits coming from their actions. In many US school districts, the first class begins 1-2 hours after most parents need to be at work. As with any innovation, shorter workweeks have advantages and disadvantages. After-school activities begin at that point, which means some students dont make it back home until 8pm that night. Con: A lengthened school day may impede upon extracurricular activities, especially in secondary education. A local news reporter says thevve also saved substitute teacher costs because teachers don't have to take a day off for appointments (Chiaramonte 2 ). Students are tired and cranky by the end of the day. In the Article by Lisa Lewis, it also talks about how delaying school by 1 hour produces the same benefit as shrinking class size by one-third or replacing a teacher in the 50th percentile of effectiveness with one in the 84th percentile.(Lewis). Time of day effects may be induced by variations in the quality of instructors instruction, changes in the learning abilities of students, or differences in student attendance patterns. The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America's 85,000 public schools each day. They were located in 7 western states in the U.S. and all but 13 of them identified themselves as being a rural school district. Shorter work weeks can improve employment productivity and provide families with more meaningful time together. In 2006, a study by Yarbrough and Gilman found that teachers working in a 5-day school schedule reported that they have a lot of wasted time. They argue that playing with classmates helps children develop social skills. When busing and after-school activities are included in that timeframe as well, some older students may find themselves putting in 12-hour days at school every day. Changing the system could result in many more. The idea has been to cut hours while keeping pay the same. 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. Which one is the best? However, these basics vary, depending on a company's policy. Most students, especially younger ones, find that the traditional school schedule is already too long. For the Cove School District in Eastern Oregon, the school day begins at 8am and doesnt end until 4pm. This could be especially true for students who are struggling in a particular subject or for students who have a lot of homework. Rural school districts and small school districts benefit the most from a 4-day schedule because of their natural isolation. It is possible to have a negative impact on some laboratory classes by reducing the number of minutes in class each day. Shorter Classes: Depending on your school's summer schedule, you can complete a semester's worth of work in eight, five, or even three weeks. There will be days, even with the best efforts of everyone involved, where a student is stuck with an after-hours activity, deep into the night, after being in class for most of the day. Does precision really make a program successful? 2 Students Should Be Getting More Rest In addition to students having more time to focus on important activities, a shorter school day would give them more time to rest. Do 4-day school weeks positively affect student outcomes? The Pros and Cons of Year-Round Schools. Students in the third through sixth grades have improved their ACT scores, according to studies. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to encourage students to take care of their personal property? They question the value of a continuous . 1. Small group learning with discussion, for example, increases the information retention rate for students up to 80%. There are improvements in the school financially. Overall, a shorter school schedule resulted in a 7% increase in math scores and a 3% gain in reading. This added Just 11 of the districts had enrollments of more than 1,000 students. 2023 The Black Well Firm. There were also reduced sick days requested by their teaching staff. When a school opts to go with an early start time, then students are spending less time sitting in traffic as they head to class. That can make it difficult for some students to pay attention to the information being provided. Another potential drawback is that shorter school days could lead to more after-school activities, which could be a problem for working parents. Four day school weeks may not be a realistic situation for all schools throughout the nation, but for those that it is possible, the four day school week saves money, improves test scores, and further improves the school as a whole. There are several advantages and disadvantages of 4-day school weeks to examine based on the results that districts are reporting from their efforts to implement this schedule. The school districts may operate classes Monday-Thursday on a 4-day week (or Tuesday-Friday in some instances), but they are still operational from an administrative standpoint on the off-day. That means half of parents will enjoy the alternative school schedule and half will hate it. A small portion of the districts cash is saved, but not as much as intangibles. While some research has shown that increasing the amount of time spent in class can boost student accomplishment, these findings have been influenced by factors such as the classroom atmosphere, the quality of instruction, and students prior knowledge and abilities. Better Employee Engagement A 4 day week can lead to happier and more committed employees. This leads to added costs that some families, living paycheck to paycheck, may not be able to afford. Year-round education (YRE) is being considered or adopted by some districts. Students that sit in lecture classrooms retain 10% or less of the information that is presented to them. Students usually go to school about 6 hours each day in most districts. Spread the loveGlobalization is the growing interconnectedness of countries around the world. According to him, providing education to all would be beneficial to society. 1. It almost forces some families into taking their vacation time from work during these holidays to accommodate the needs of their children. Should the school day start later pros and cons? It may improve overall student attendance. Over the last century, humans have acquired a staggering amount of knowledge and understanding. An understandable concern for parents, teachers, and students about the 4-day school week is the extended time required to be at school during the day. School districts save money. It is critical to avoid producing a longer school day and instead produce a healthier, more balanced, and more engaging one. 6. Imagine a school year that gave the students one week off after every quarter and every Friday off. The organization 4 Day Week Global sponsored the program. List of the Advantages of 4-Day School Weeks 1. If you want to avoid withholding recess as punishment, consider rewarding yourself rather than punishing yourself, such as rewarding yourself with extra recess for good behavior. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. disabled students may also find it difficult to participate in extracurricular activities and socialise with their peers. Sometimes even starting school earlier in the . And the school districts in the state have stable student achievement levels on their standardized tests. Finally, some parents worry that shorter days could mean that their children would have less . The idea of having a four-day school has been around for several decades, and has been considered at least since the 1930s, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The districts which offer the 4-day work week receive more applications and more qualified applicants than the other school districts. There is a variety of emotional and behavioral problems, depression, alcohol use, and impaired cognitive function that can contribute to this. Some school districts have reported saving The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. They saved 1.4%, or $45,000, instead. With the long break of summer, many people prefer the short breaks of year round schools. A change in schedule is an adjustment for school officials, students and families. According to the findings, relocating some math classes to the morning and other subjects, such as English, to the afternoon might result in an increase in students GPAs and test outcomes.